Wednesday, December 29, 2010



General Principles
If anything unusual happened.. ask the surgeon and assist him
Admission notes: preop – comorbidities cardiac investigations
medications intraop – operation notes and anaesthetic record
particular problems – weaning off bypass,
ventricular function, bleeding Examination – vitals, circulation, drains, pacemaker wires
Routine bloods – CBP, Clotting, LFT, RFT, ACT, ABG CXR, ECG Follow target filling pressures by surgeons Medications: Cefuroxime 750mg Q8H for 3 doses (unless allergy)
Bactroban topical nasal tds Continue inotropes and/or vasodilators from OT and wean as appropriate. If increasing inotropic support is required – inform ICU senior and surgeon
Important ***: Keep patients on GTN infusion for patients with LIMA graft (to reduce
vasospasm risk)
. You may have to end up using an anti-hypertensive to maintain BP within agreed parameters and fluids to maintain CVP
Intravenous fluids: 5% dextrose with KCl 20mmol in 500 ml solution at 1ml/kg/hr. If K+ level > 5.5 mmol/l omit KCl supplement
ABG on admission: if K+ level between 4.5-5.5 mmol/l repeat ABG Q2H for 24 hours. If K+ level < 4.5 or > 5.5mmol/l, repeat ABG until corrected.
Glucose control: follow glucose nomogram If urine output < 1ml/kg/hr, consider frusemide especially in patients
receiving it preoperatively and if CVP/PCWP > 14mmHg with
good peripheral perfusion Pacemaker at the bedside of all cardiac patients while in ICU
Identify if pacing wires present If pacemaker from OT attached and operational, continue with appropriate pacing. If no pacemaker from OT or patient is NOT being paced by OT pacemaker, replace OT pacemaker with ICU pacemaker

Respiratory Management
Following surgery commence all patients on an ICU ventilator After the first ABG, adjust the FiO2 to maintain a PaO2 >10kPa Wean from ventilation according to past medical history, surgery
performed and current clinical status Extubation criteria:
Temperature > 360C Awake, analgesed, able to protect airway with a good cough Cardiovascularly stable - MAP >60mmHg, pH 7.35-7.45 Adequate gaseous exchange – PaO2 >10kPa on FiO2 0.4 Minimal bleeding – drain output <100ml/hour
Respiratory failure post-op secondary to collapse/consolidation is common. Ensure good analgesia and frequent, effective physiotherapy.

Management of Bleeding
*** Call cardiac surgeon early whilst you are continuing with your management
Perform appropriate investigations: ACT, INR, APTT, platelet count Treat abnormalities of above:
Protamine 50mg if ACT >150 s FFP if INR abnormal If no response then platelet transfusion of 5 units, irrespective of platelet count
If on aprotinin, continue at 50ml/hr (500,000 units) until bleeding <50ml/hr from pericardial drain
If bleeding continues or is brisk, perform CXR (look for enlarging heart shadow) and echocardiogram* to exclude tamponade and obtain early review by cardiothoracic surgeons.
* echocardiogram can be performed by some of our ICU doctors. Otherwise get on-call cardiologist. Check with chief cardiac surgeon first before you consult cardiologist.
Ensure that bedside sternotomy set ready at all times Consider re-opening if:
bleeding >200ml/hr for 3-4 hours bleeding >400ml/hr in 1 hour total loss >1500-2000mls

Hypotension (SBP <100mmHg or MAP <60mmHg)
Gradual decline in BP
Correct fluid/blood losses as appropriate using blood or colloid Early ECG, Echo and inform cardiothoracic surgeons Treat reversible causes – bleeding, pneumothorax, tamponade, kinked
graft, graft vasospasm Treat arrhythmia Inotropes
Dopamine/dolbutamine – mild hypotension Adrenaline Noradrenaline – severe resistant hypotension with low SVR IABP
Sudden and severe hypotension Call chief cardiac surgeon and senior ICU staff immediately. Inform
theatre While routine resuscitation underway – exclude tension pneumothorax,
echocardiography, consider opening chest in ICU

The MAP is to be kept quite strictly at about 60-80mmHg for the first 24- 36hours
This may vary according to the patient’s preoperative blood pressure and condition (e.g. carotid stenosis). Must discuss with cardiothoracic team if the targets need to be adjusted
Ensure adequate analgesia: give morphine if patient is in pain Titrate GTN infusion or Nitroprusside infusion to maintain MAP of 60-
80mmHg If hypertension persists – (please discuss with ICU senior and surgeon
first) β blocker: atenolol 1-2mg IV or esmolol 10-25mg IV (if no contraindication and good LV). Must be used cautiously after valve surgery.

Treat electrolyte abnormalities, hypoxia, hypercarbia, tamponade, hypotension
Bradycardia – AV sequential pacing first if < 60 beats per minute Atrial fibrillation – if K+< 4 give potassium, if K+ >4.5 give amiodarone,
cardioversion (inform ICU senior and surgeon first) VPB – lignocaine – check K+ and Mg++ Pulseless VT or VF – defibrillate (observe protocol for defibrillation, inform
ICU senior and surgeon) Note
o Defibrillation for monophasic defibrillators: 200J, 300J, 360J o Defibrillation for biphasic defibrillators: 150J non-escalating

Patients with saphenous vein grafts should receive aspirin 160mg oral after 24 hours if not bleeding
Commence patients with valve replacements on warfarin from the second post-operative day if extubated (we very rarely have to prescribe as majority of patients discharged by then. Dosing, best check with surgeon first)
Patients with a valve replacement ventilated >48hours may require heparinisation

ST Segment Elevation (new! Pending approval from ICU director and chief cardiac surgeon)
All cardiac patients should have continuously ST segment monitoring Note pattern of ST elevation (site, up slopping etc) Check patient’s clinical status (e.g. check vitals, ask for chest pain, check
if patient cold and sweaty, check peripheral circulation and auscultate for
pericardial rub) Check preoperative ECG and compare Inform cardiac surgeon For patients with arterial grafts, continue GTN infusion.
Consider diltiazem if suspect graft vasospasm (discuss with ICU senior and
cardiothoracic surgeons first)

If a cardiac patient deteriorates acutely for whatever reason: Call cardiac surgeon (as well as chief) and ICU senior stat Immediate availability of sternotomy set, gowns, gloves, towels,
betadine Immediate availability of resuscitation trolley
Inform OT control and request OT nurse for assisting surgeon

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